Sunday, March 31, 2013

Game Library Plannning and More!

We're down to only about 2 months before Ludophilia III is upon us!  Can you believe it?  Where is this year going?  I'm getting really excited for it, and I hope you all are too.  Everyone is welcome, whether it's just for 1 day or for all 4.  It's just meant to be a nice long weekend of gaming in a casual, open-house environment, free from distractions.  If you're sitting on the fence trying to decide whether to drop in or not, I sincerely hope you will make up your mind to come by.  It's a fun, friendly group who are definitely not afraid to teach and be taught all sorts of games, playing everything from the lightest Euros to some rather heavy wargamey choices, and lots of stuff in-between.  We love to meet friends-of-friends, so feel free to extend the invitation to other gamers and potential gamers you know.  If you'd like to bring your posse or your family with you, that's fine!

Just a few reminders and updates:

We're collecting $10 per day per person at the door to cover the costs of the room.  But don't forget that if you register with me by April 30th and pay for 3 days, you get the 4th day free!  Just send a check for $30 (or $10 per day if you just want 1 or 2 days) to me at:
Brad Johnson
1517 Driftwood Ln.
Crystal Lake, IL  60014

The festivities will be running from 8:00am Thursday, May 30th, through 6:00pm, Sunday, Jun 2nd.  Remember that we're at the Comfort Suites Schaumburg (, 847-330-0133).  If you're staying overnight, be sure to ask for the Ludophilia group rate (only $79/night).  You should make your reservations as soon as possible to be sure of getting that great rate!

We've updated the game library planning spreadsheet for this year at  As a starting point, I've seeded it with most of my list from last year plus some new acquisitions since then.  Please go take a look!
* First, please update the "Attendees" tab to indicate your planned attendance.
* Then, if you are bringing some games to share, please add them to the list on the "Bringing" tab.  (The "Library" tab will automatically update.)
* If there is a game you really would like to play that you don't see on the list already, please add it to the "Requests" tab, no matter what it is.  Hopefully I or someone else will have it and can add it to the list to bring.

We're currently planning on using our modest excess funds from last year to provide pizza for dinner Friday night!  If you have a really good recommendation for pizza to order near the hotel, please let me know.

Hope to see you (plus a friend or two?) the weekend after Memorial Day, May 30 - Jun 2!!

Friday, March 15, 2013

March Update

Game Requests so far: 
Twilight Imperium, Dune, Diplomacy and Republic of Rome. One whimsical request for Empires in Arms, full campaign game...

Early Registration has been good so far - keep spreading the word!

One thing I would like to solicit in the comments to this update is something our organizer mentioned back when announcing this year's date. We have a modest amount left in the treasury from last year - should we apply it to general snacks/drinks/refreshments or pick a night and order a bunch of pizzas, complementary to the participants?  I regret to say that my original suggestion of sending me for a hour long Swedish Massage was rejected outright.

Any ideas for sponsorship or promotions is also welcome!