Monday, January 28, 2013

Ludophilia III - what is this?

Ludophilia - the "love of play".

In this instance, it happens to be the name of a small (but growing!) boardgaming convention hosted by the As Yet Unnamed Gaming Club of Crystal Lake, IL. The third annual instance at that.  Informally, it is being known as Ludophilia III - Bazinga!  (Ludophilia II was "Ludophilia II - This Time its Personal!" just beating out "Ludophilia II - Boadrgame Bugaloo" and "Ludophilia II - The Revenge"

The format is similar to the venerable annual convention/gathering/mass gaming assembly.  Request someone bring something, bring it yourself, or just show up and have at anything that can gather enough players.  We have no set format, no tournaments, no set rules other than try not to get too loud in your boasting of victory, wailing in defeat, or laughter at some of the odd things you will see and hear.

Where and when is this highly desirable event being held you may ask?  May 30th - June 2nd at the Comfort Suites in Schaumburg, Illinois (5 blocks or so from Woodfield Mall).

I can expect to pay a King's ransom to be allowed in, right? Nay, you will not!  A mere $10 per day will get you in for all the gaming you can handle.  In fact, until the end of April, if you pre-register for all four days, you will get them for the price of three. You are always welcome to pay at the door. You can even request the Ludophilia group rate at the Comfort Suites (hurry, a limited number of rooms are set aside).

For those wishing a break from gaming (or as I do, to lick my wounds from a sound beating) for an hour or so, there is a Tilted Kilt location just across the parking lot.  There are numerous restaurants nearby, including several near Woodfield Mall.

This page will feature updates on the game library currently requested and more information as we get closer to the glorious 4 days of gaming.

If you wish more information or to be contacted - leave a comment.

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